Aordinance must be submitted for approval to the Parliament the legal authority competent to legislate and also be published in the Official Gazette of Romania in order to ensure publicity in relation to its recipients. If it is not in session the Chambers must be convened within days from the submission or as the case may be from the sending. If within no more than days after submission the referred Chamber does not rule on the ordinance it is considered adopted and sent to the other Chamber which also decides in the emergency procedure.
Law no. regarding the legislative technical rules for the elaboration of normative Country Email List acts provides that the emergency ordinances enter into force on the date of publication in the M.OF. of Romania under the condition of their prior submission to the competent Chamber if no later date is provided. on the date of publication the later date must be established in its content. From the date of publication in M.OF. and until the moment of their approvalrejection by the Parliament they are in force. The majority required for the approval of ordinances whose regulation is in the field of ordinary laws is simple and in the case of ordinances in the field of organic laws it is absolute.
If the number of votes for adoption is not met the law is one of rejection so the ordinance is no longer in force. Instead if the number of votes is met the ordinance is approved and becomes law. .Limits on emergency ordinances According to art. para. of the Constitution Emergency ordinances cannot be adopted in the field of constitutional laws they cannot affect the regime of the fundamental institutions of the state the rights freedoms and duties provided for by the Constitution electoral rights and they cannot target measures for the forced transfer of some assets into.