Women in modern cinema
Between voices of protest and social conscience. Women's stories are increasingly coming to the big screen. And believe me it is not easy to realize that our own existence is the result of the decisions we make and that our society offers us. With the increase in content for women I don't want to say that films weren't made for them before. If not the opposite the entertainment medium has been full of content for women. What yes is that it has taken another direction. From soap operas children's movies the romantic genre to new action movies like Charlie's Angels and of course without forgetting the famous Thelma and Louise movie . In the last few days I have seen how the woman is waking up.But you know in many of the stories of the female sex they show that awakening is not easy and that many times social circumstances or our own decisions lead us to live in one way or another. And when the person becomes aware of themselves they CXB Directory realize that one must be responsible for their decisions. And of course I am aware that many times circumstances force one to live in a certain way that it seems that one loses freedom that it is almost impossible to be free if society does not offer the opportunities for basic needs to be met first. for a dignified life. I believe that the great female stories in cinema and real life always change the world with intelligence values and love. And I believe that in the events of both men and women violence or vandalism should not exist.
I also know that when the human being man or woman does not read does not study does not prepare one of the ways that finds the body to express all those emotions within the person it could be through violent acts and vandalism with this I am not justifying I write it to realize that the solution to our problems is to generate mechanisms that dignify the person in their physical psychological and spiritual dimensions. In a few words house food education sustenance and love. That is why films like Hidden Talents by director Theodore Melfi or any other film that leads to dreaming of bringing out the best in one and that feeds the spirit are the ones that should be made not only for women but also for children and men. . We must remember that just as we take care of the nutrition of our body we must also take care of the nutrition of our mind.